Bacterial infection?

From: John Walker (
Date: Fri Mar 07 1997 - 10:24:05 PST

Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 10:24:05 -0800
From: John Walker <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg837$foo@default>
Subject: Bacterial infection?

Hi all,

I have been growing VFT's and a few species of drosera indoors in aquariums
for a few years. I used to keep the aquarium bottoms filled with an inch or
so of water and had the pots sitting in the water. This worked fine until
recently. One day I noticed that the water was no longer evaporating and
the plants were begining to wilt and die at the leaf tips. Upon closer
inspection I found that there was a very thin, clear "film" covering the
surface of the water. Using a pencil I was able to gather some of this film
off the water (it smells terrible). I'm thinking that this must be some
sort of bacteria growing on the water's surface. I completly cleaned the
aquariums and flushed the pots but the surface scum kept returning. I next
placed the pots into individual saucers of water but again the scum
returned. Over the weekend I repotted all the plants but have been afraid
to place them back into any standing water. I water each plant every night
but this is getting tedious. Any suggestions as to how to keep the standing
water clean?

John in Phoenix

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