P.moranensis forms

Barry Meyers-Rice (barry@as.arizona.edu)
Thu, 3 Mar 94 09:20:59 MST

I know that ``P.caudata'' and ``P.mexicana'' have been absorbed into
_P.moranensis_, so I consider the first two names to just indicate
variants that have been in cultivation. That said, there is a nice
description of these two forms in Slack's first book, where he writes
extensively on them on page 116. There is also a photo of the two
plants on page 106. A few things to look for: Of the three lower petals
of the ``Mexicana'' type, the two that flank the central lower petal are
often narrow and pointed. The ``Caudata'' type has these petals truncate.
The central bottom petal for ``Caudata'' is often emarginate. Also, there
are richer, more saturated flecks of carmine pink at the base of the
petals of ``Caudata''. I have a _P.moranensis_ that fits the ``Caudata''
description exactly.

Did I mention that Gordon Snelling told me he has a flowering scape
forming on his _U.humboldtii_? Exciting! Almost worth a quick trip to
L.A. to see!
