Re: D.prolifera & Cooling down a terrarium

Rob (
Sat, 16 Nov 1996 22:33:23 +1100

Hi all,

In response to Russell's query about D. prolifera ...... I also grow mine in
a terrarium, however I grow them in straight live sphagnum moss. I keep the
terrarium under a bench in one of the more dimly lit corners of my polyhouse
(unheated). It proliferates (pardon the pun) well.

Overhead watering will easily wash the mucilage off the leaves, and too much
heat will dry it out. The mucilage does not seem to be as viscous as other
species, but I may be wrong there. If regularly stripped of their mucilage
the leaves tend to die off fairly quickly, vastly reducing the plant's vigour.

I have also read in the ACPS Bulletin that, in Sydney, they can be grown
outdoors in a terrarium on the southern (shady in this hemisphere) side of a
building. The medium in this case was also live sphagnum. In Melbourne it
gets to get too cold for this method.

Hope this helps.

Rob Brisler
Victoria, Australia.