tuning fork dilemma and a suggestion

Michael Homick (greyston@mailhost.Oxford.net)
Mon, 07 Oct 1996 20:54:08 -0700

If you wish to pollinate Byblis sp. or any other flowers that require
vibration of the anthers to release the pollen, I find the use of one of
the electric engravers used to mark items with identification works
well. Here they are available for about 9 dollars Canadian. You do
require an electric source but just a touch of the flowers releases a
cascade of pollen from the anthers and it runs continuously until you
are done.
Also just another suggestion, I find it very informative if you should
be offering plants, growing supplies, etc. or are looking for same to
put your location (State, Province, or even Country)at the end of your
message. In that way you may not get bombarded by requests or offers
that are not reasonable to pursue.

All the best. .... Michael Homick, Ontario, Canada