Re: Re: "Drosera * 'Nagamoto'

dave evans (T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU)
Wed, 28 Aug 96 17:47 EDT

> Has anyone tested fertility in _Drosera_ hybrids besides _D.anglica *
> rotundifolia_? In this special (2n=30) case sterility seems to be
> pretty complete. From this finding it is frequently (and wrongly so,
> v.i.!) inferred that *all* _Drosera_ hybrids should be sterile.
> However, this hypothesis was very rarely tested further.

Hi Jan,

You or others have mentioned that the chromosome numbers of
plants are available somewhere. Where? I haven't seen them in
the archives. I'm hoping to make some more Drosera hybrids and
the numbers should come in handy.

If D.intermedia and D.filiformis can hybridize as well as
D.intermedia and D.capilaris, two hybrids I have, wouldn't
D.filiformis * D.capillaris be a good cross? I haven't tried
it since my D.capillaris didn't flower yet this year and might
grow as annuals => flowering in the fall and come back from
seed in the spring, as they do not survive the winter. Is this
hybrid seen in the south where these plants grow together?
Or do they..? I'm not sure but I think I've only seen D.cap
and D.brevifolia growing together. What might cross with
D.brev? (It reminds of S.hamiltoni .sp?.) I don't have any
trouble getting D.brev to flower.

Dave Evans