Re: Want to meet SF CP'ers!!!

John Walker (
Wed, 28 Aug 1996 09:19:18 -0700

You wrote:
speaking as an ag-involved, food-buying, tax-paying citizen of
>California, still reeling from the millions it costs annually to wipe
>smuggled bugs (MedFlies, the afortementioned beetles, etc), I ask
>don't spirit your plants past the inspectors. Besides, if they catch
>you'll lose all your plants and be fined. Check ahead of time....
>...Arizona too.
>Sean Barry
>The Rowe Program in Molecular Genetics
>University of California
>Davis, CA 95616

I'm not positive about things now but the last time I checked Arizona
was no longer checking for plants at the border inspection stations.
Something about it not being cost least in Arizona. Our
state seems to go back and forth with this every few years.

John Walker in Phoenix