Re: Daphnia/Tadpoles/Aquatic Snails vs Algae

Rob Brisler (
Thu, 29 Aug 1996 00:17:55 +1000

>>Ken Cusson wrote:
>>It is my understanding that if you have enough of these critters
>>(Daphnia) they can handle the algae that builds up in the Utric tanks ...
>Then Ron Sbragia wrote:
>I've never tried but have been told that tadpoles do an efficient job of
>eating algae without disturbing the utrics.
Tadpoles DO work quite well as long as you get the right species. Sorry I
can't help there, when I tried it I fluked a local species that worked well
against a filamentous algae which oppresses my aquatic utrics. The tadpoles
had bred in my swimming pool over winter and in summer I transferred a whole
heap of them to my deep water trays. Those that weren't eaten by birds
seemed to keep the algae down to very acceptable levels. Sadly the little
frogs concerned (they are small and have a bell-like croak) have snubbed my
pool for the last two years, so my deep water trays are massed with algae
again. I have asked around but have yet to find another source of these

I still use aquatic snails to keep the slime off the sides of the trays and
pots. They will eat bits off my _U. gibba_ when starved, but have never
done any significant damage.

With regard to Daphnia, my experience is that they are an excellent source
of Utric food but don't do anything significant when it comes to cleaning up
algae. Maybe species of Daphnia vary .... I'm no biologist.


Rob B