Re: S. alata "black" (Crickets)

Rob Brisler (
Tue, 20 Aug 1996 00:59:50 +1000 (EST)

At 09:27 AM 16/08/96 -0700, Jay Lechtman ( wrote:
>Crickets have been plentiful and voracious this summer, and they posses an
>almost single-minded fondness for my upright Sarracenia. They've chewed holes
>in hoods and nectar rolls, scraped the cuticle off of long strips of
>pitchers, and even chewed off the tips of young shoots (particularly annoying
>on my new S. alata "black").

This pricked my ears up!

What does an _S. alata_ "black" look like? I'm not familiar with this form
or this name.

Info (.....seeds????) ........ anyone?

Rob Brisler

Snail: PO Box 256 / Diamond Creek Vic 3089 / AUSTRALIA