Re: UK Post Strikes/D Villosa Cuttings/Chiggers/Spanish Moss

Thomas K. Hayes (
Wed, 24 Jul 1996 13:15:47 GMT

>2) Thanks Tom, but I was seeking advice a stage earlier. Info like whether
>you chop the leaf blade off, or use the stalk as well, or even pull off a
>heel of stem tissue?

Pull off everything all the way to the stem. Sort of like removing a
cephalotus leaf cutting.... Make sure you get it all or it is likely to rot.

>Do you lay the leaf on the compost, or bury it, or stand it on end?

Make a shallow depression and place the cutting horizontally in the hole. I
water with a mister to settle some peat around the cutting if I am not using
sphagnum. The surface of the leaf remains exposed, but I guess you could
say it is partially burried.

>Superthrive doesn't seem to be commercially available
>here and my spartan conditions don't stretch to fluorescent lights, but
>that doesn't seem to be a problem for my other Drosera cuttings.

Hope this helps???

Take care & keep on growing,

-Tom- & Krissy