Re: Selling quality Sarracenia

Phil Semanchuk (
Fri, 14 Jun 96 13:45:01 -0400

> As long as you have CITES permits for those plants
> or you can prove that they are artificially
> propagated everything should be fine
"Should be" is the key here. I agree with you Andreas but I think BAMR will
have enough to do over the coming weeks with trying to box up all of his
Sarrs without trying to deal with govt. bureaucracy. I can see his point.
Besides, you know that North Carolina officials have nothing better to do
than circle BAMR's house in black helicopters waiting for so much as a
photo of S. rubra jonesii to leave his house bound for out of state. Why,
those jackbooted thugs are probably beating his door down as we speak.

:) :) :)

Tongue firmly in cheek,