Superthrive Connection

Gordon Wells (
Tue, 30 Apr 1996 12:05:55 UTC+0200

Hello Superthrive devotees,

I must confess that I too have finally fallen prey to the
compelling testimony of the miraculous powers of Superthrive.
If it can bring life back to a dead Sago palm, if it can make
pitchers grow where no pitcher had grown before, if it can
turn traumatic transplants into revigorating growth spurts,
if it can make green and supple what once was brown and dry,
then maybe it can do something for my poor, drab N. wrigleyana,
apparent limbless victim of Chernobyl. In the 12 months I've
carefully tended to it's every need, it continues to produce
nothing but perfectly pitcherless leaves, bringing sadness to
my heart and disgrace to my family, and relegating it to a
distant corner of my house, out of the view of mawkish
onlookers. I've now arrived at the end of my rope. I must
do something to return to this wretched plant the respect
and honor it deserves. My desperation now induces me to part
with reason and verify for myself the supposed powers of this
wonder potion.

The only problem is, it's not available here, or in the rest
of Europe, as far as I know from the threads on this subject
in the mailing list archives. So, I'm looking for a Superthrive
Connection. Would anyone be willing to box me up a bottle
and mail it over ? I have a checking account in the U.S. and
could promptly mail a check for the bottle and the trouble of
sending it. I would really appreciate it. Please reply directly
to me.

Best regards,

Gordon Wells
Instituto de Cibernetica
Diagonal 647, planta 2
Barcelona 08028