Re: Ground Water.

Oliver T Massey CFS (
Fri, 26 Apr 1996 14:45:35 -0400 (EDT)

> > I recently moved into a new house. I looked under the manhole cover
> > where my water meter is only to find standing water about 2 feet deep.
> > Upon calling the water company, having an inspection and consulting
> > with neighbors it was determined that this is seepage ground water
> > because the water table is so high (this is the lowest point on my
> > property). The water is kind of cloudy. The soil is mostly clay.
> > Could I use the "well" as a source of water for my CP's?. Anyone have
> > any experience using ground water as opposed to rain water?
> >
> > Rick

This happens in Florida all the time. For the most part, however, the
water is not so much water seeping up from an aquifer as it is run off
or a rising water table due to rain, heavy irrigation, lawn watering,
etc. As a result, I would believe the quality of the water for our
purposes would be very poor.

Tom in Fl