SE USA Pings
Sun, 7 Apr 1996 19:28:52 -0400

Ping friends,

I will be receiving some SE USA Pings and have a few questions. I grew them
a few years ago and had some limited success. However, they never lasted
more than a few years. I grew them in a peat, sand Sphagnum mix and rather
wet. They thrived, but suddenly their health decreased sharply. Their
decline was usualy accompanied by a bad smell emanating from the leaves as if
they were fermenting. Has anyone else had this experience?

Does anyone know what ph the soil is in which they naturally grow? When I
saw them naturally I never saw P. lutea, nor P. caerulea with any Sarracenia,
P planifolia was growing near S. rubra gulfensis and D. filiformis tracyi, so
I assume that the ph with P. planifolia was rather acid. BTW, this was near
the Yellow River area some 10 years ago.

Has anyone tried growing them in a perlite/vermiculite mix like the mexican
Pings? Any help would be appreciated.

I am also looking for some nice colored VFTs.
