
Roy Phitayakorn (
Tue, 2 Apr 96 09:08:57 -0500

Hello! My name is Roy Phitayakorn and I am an
undergraduate student at Allegheny College which is in Meadville,
PA...about 100 miles north of Pittsburgh. I am a Biology/Pre-Med
track major and am working towards a double minor in Military
History & Strategy in the Western World and Chemistry. I a native
of a suburb south of Pittsburgh called Upper St. Clair.
I am interested in doing my senior thesis on the Venus Fly
Trap, but I am not sure on what part of the plant or plant mechanism
to focus on. This fall, I would like to participate in an
independent research project with VFT's to form some ideas about my
thesis. This research project will primarily concern recreating
different experiments performed with VFT's. So far, I have thought
of two areas of research:

-using VFT cell totipotency to grow VFT's from cell culture
-studying acid growth mechanism that enables VFT trap to
close around hapless victim

My question to you (plural) involves my need for more
experiments so that this independent project will last longer than a
My own personal research has involved mostly library work.
Most books I have seen focus only on the care of VFTs. I've read a
history book on VFTs called Venus' Mousetrap, which was
interesting, but not really helpful. I've also sent away for
several articles from the Carnivorous Plant Newsletter.
Unfortunately, sending away for articles has become rather expensive
for a college student's budget and often takes at least a month to
receive the articles.
Any suggestions for experiments or sources of previous
experiments would be most appreciated. If any of you have friends
or colleagues that work in botany or specifically with VFT please
forward this message to them.

Thanks again for your help and I wish all of you the best of luck
with your cp's,

Roy Phitayakorn =)