New member intro / window greenhouse questions
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 16:27:38 -0400


I am new to this list and very excited to find a source of CP news and
information on the internet. I have grown various CP off and on for about
the last 18 years (mostly dionea and tropical drosera) but still consider
myself a neophyte. I currently have a 10 gallon aquarium (2 actually with
one on the bottom and one upside down that serves as a lid) with a S.
purpurea x leucophylla cross, and S. purpurea x alata x oreophylla hybrids
and numerous D. spathulata.

I have always wanted to try growing Nepenthes but living in various
apartments and moving every few years has not been conducive to this. My
wife and I are finally taking the plunge and have bought a house and I am
considering installing or building a window greenhouse. If anyone has any
experience growing CP in window greenhouses or for that matter has any
suggestions on makers, suppliers, styles of window greenhouses I would be
interested in your input. I live in Boulder Colorado and the windows would
have to be on an eastern (most likely) or western exposure.

Rich Ellis (