Re: Hello

Mike Salmon (
16 Jul 95 16:23:29 EDT

Hello all,

I have recently subscribed to this list, as Compuserve have
started full
internet access, and have already found many of the postings helpful.
My main interest is in the Sarraceniaceae. I have a small but growing
collection of Heliamphora, Darlingtonia and Sarracenias in a greenhouse
dedicated to CPs. All the specimens have come from nurseries in the
U.K. or seed from suppliers in the U.K. I am a head of science in a
secondary school and have found the few plants I have taken into school
facinate the pupils. The now defunct ILEA produced an excellent guide
to growing and using CPs in school science investigations. If anyone in
the U.K. has difficulty obtaining laboratory type supplies I would be
happy to oblige.

Is there anyone who could answer a couple of questions for me?
anyone know of any restrictions on obtining seed from or swapping seed
with sources from outside the U.K.? I am keen to obtain a fairly wide
genetic base of material without in any way encouraging collecting from
the wild. Also is there a good published guide for someone wishing to
start propogating CPs, particularly the Sarraceniaceae, by tissue
culture? Or if nothing has been published has anyone the time to note
down a few guidlines to get me started?

Many thanks

Mike Salmon <>