Re: Flowering pings
Mon, 6 Feb 1995 16:06:43 -0500

>The first of my pings to flower has proven itself to be _P.caerulea_
>beyond any shadow of a doubt. I was amazed that the flower has lasted
>such a long time, but as long as it decides to remain, I'm not going
>to complain.
>Now I come to a slightly different problem. The second one--which I
>also thought was _P.caerulea_ has not fully opened yet, but it is
>obvious that it is going to have white flowers. I never knew there
>was a white-flowered version of this plant, although in every other
>respect the structure is the same. The only other noticeable
>difference is the height of the scape. In the _P.caerulea_, it is
>close to a foot in height, but the newer one is less than half that.
>I considered that it could be _P.ionantha_, since that is one of the
>few white flowered pings I've seen listed, but I've not seen this one
>in bloom. Any ideas?

I too have seen _P. caerulea_ flowering white in the wild.
I mentioned this to a friend who grows pings and he also said he had never
seen a white flowered _P. caerulea_. Could this be possibly a mutant that
has not yet been described? If so what are the chances of producing a
white flowered version in a natural population. Just a thought.
