Re: CP

Rick Walker (
Thu, 27 May 93 19:01:50 PDT


> I repotted my D. peltata last month. They were dormant and I didn't
> like the way they were growing the past season. The soil was poured
> from one pot to another a number of times until all the tubers were
> found. Thank goodness they're red so they're easy to see.

My D. peltata auriculata are still growing, but probably should be repotted
when they go dormant. How big were the tubers?

What was the average depth? I'm wondering if mine should go in a deeper
pot to avoid having the tubers hitting bottom.

> The old soil was placed outside and now there's a few D. peltata
> plants coming up from some tubers I missed.

Cool. A CP lawn!
