Re: Cephalotus, Darlingtonia, ...

Sunil Gupta (
Sun, 14 Mar 93 17:33:51 EST

Rick Walker <uunet!!walker> writes:

> My U. gibba from Robert Allen is doing great in a 4" dia. x 8" tall
> glass jar. The bottom 2" is filled with a 1 1/2" layer of peat,
> covered with 1/2" of silica sand to hold it down. The water fleas
> (Daphnia) are numerous, and keep the traps pretty well filled up. The only
> thing you might want to do different is to slope the substrate so that the
> plants can root at one end of the tank to send up flower stalks.

Mucho thanks for the comments, Rick. Do you provide any aeration via
a pump and airstone to your aquatic CP (or would that disturb the
plants too much)?

Sunil Gupta
Monsoon Software, Inc.