humidity in terrariums

Date: Thu Apr 08 1999 - 22:16:54 PDT

Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 00:16:54 -0500
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1270$foo@default>
Subject: humidity in terrariums

 I have heard alot of good ideas about raising the humidity in
terrariums, and I have one too. I don't think this was an original idea,
I read it somewhere on the 'net, but I don't remember where.

 I first bought a big sheet of eggcrate (a plastic light diffuser sold
for flourescent light fixtures). The stuff is usually white, but I have
also seen chrome. It looks like a bunch of plastic squares all stuck
together in a sheet, that is about 2cm tall. I then cut it to the
dimentions of my terrarium using a band saw (it could be easily cut with
any kind of saw). Its function was to have the whole terrarium floor
covered with 2 or 3cm of water, without my plants standing in it (I use
pots and saucers, not the soil-at-the-bottom approach). It was a real
sucsess! I usually leave two long openings about 3 inches wide (8cm) on
its cover for ventalation and my D. adelae still drool on their pots

I don't know how high the humidity is in there, but my plants are

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