Closest area to see CP in native environ?

From: John Morris (
Date: Thu Sep 04 1997 - 00:30:38 PDT

Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 07:30:38 GMT
From: (John Morris)
Message-Id: <aabcdefg3360$foo@default>
Subject: Closest area to see CP in native environ?

>I never suspected MI had so many native carnivorous

Diane... see my message on the CP list as to the closest place in
Missouri to see CP growing in the wild.

I live in Hannibal Mo and would be willing to drive to see ANY kind of
CP in the wild. Where can I get info on WHERE various CP grow so I
can determine what's closest to see? Do you know if CP grow in

Bottom line... is there a database somewhere that maps out CP growing
regions maybe? I'm new to all this

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