Re: Byblis gigantea seedlings

Date: Tue Jan 02 2001 - 12:34:56 PST

Date:          Thu, 6 Mar 1997 08:49:41 MET+1MDT
From: "HaKAN MUREVaeRN" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg822$foo@default>
Subject:       Re: Byblis gigantea seedlings

Phill Cook wrote:

>I have a collection of Byblis Gigantea seedlings, about 6 weeks/2 months old.
>They are kept under a 23W low energy fluorescent light bulb, at a distance
>of about 6-8 inches (any closer and the new leaves go brown, as if they're
>scorching). Growth is compact and shrubby, with no sign of limp straggly
>growth (etiolation?), and the leaves have a mid green healthy colouration.
>The down side is that they don't appear to be very sticky. The first leaves
>after germination were, but subsequent leaves (each plant has ~ 6) have not

>I've tried covering some pots to create terrarium like conditions, but to
>no apparent advantage, and the conditions described appear to be ideal for
>my sundew seedlings.

I also have Byblis gigantea seedlings 6 weeks old (or rather young). Some of them are on their second or third pair of leaf. They are all "sticky" (not extremely impressive sticky but they have a couple of small drops on them that could be seen with a
I keep some of them under terrarium cover near a north-west facing window with help of artificial light. The others I keep near a south-east window with light only from sun in a more open (not so covered) pot. I think one important thing is that it i r

Hope this could be of any help.
Haakan Murevaern

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