Re: Re: why isn't my sundew sticky?

dave evans (T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU)
Wed, 04 Dec 96 19:59 EST

> From: John Walker <jorwa@SYSPAC.COM>
> I only grow three types of sundews at the present time so I don't pretend to
> know all of the answers, but in my own experience I have found two things
> that have affected the "stickness" of my sundews. First I try to keep the
> humidity at or above 70%. Any less and the leaves start to lose their dew.
> And secondly, I don't put any kind of moisture on the leaves i.e., misting,
> watering, etc. I have heard of other people misting their sundews but it
> doesn't seem to work for me.

Hi John,

THat doesn't work well for me either. I think the water washes
away the mucilage (sp?), but if it has already been washed away,
misting will give the apearance of dew. Water will probably
stick to the glands quite nicely but you'll need to repeat spraying
which'll wash away the mucilage from newer leaves too. Some Drosera
don't seem to care much about the humidity. D.indica sure doesn't.
I suppose the taller Drosera will be some what better at resisting
lower humidity, since being taller, they get much more breeze.
Has anyone else noticed this?

Dave E