Re: CP Conservation

John and Cecilia (
Mon, 25 Nov 1996 23:34:50 -0600

> From: Michael.Chamberland <23274MJC@MSU.EDU>

> and resources. As the population grows there will be a need for ever
> greater controls and restrictions (ie. government). At first this will
> be needed just to maintain order and direct the traffic. Later total
> control will be needed just to divy up the scarce amounts of space and
> food among the many, many people. Like egg-laying hens in a modern
> chicken coop, we'll each be penned up like working automatons :-)

Unfortuantely this could very well be a possibility.

> Libertarians recall the life of the barnyard hen of old, and say "that's
> better life!" But I believe we don't produce that lifestyle by letting
> those hens out of todays' henhouse and letting them run around. There
> isn't the space! Take away the pens that separate each hen, and with
> that population density, they'll peck each other to death!

Some might call this pecking (natural population control) bad. I just call
it nature. It is another bad aspect of man to consider things that happen
in nature good or bad. In fact they are neither.

> Michael Chamberland

John Boehme
