Re: Re: Jan's Drosera Dichotomous Key - D.brevifolia
Thu, 24 Oct 1996 21:55:27 GMT


>of the summer, I now have about 10. They are from north of Charleston,
>South Carolina onlong route 17. Tom is that the right road?


>> P.S. Hey Dave, you don't happen to have any seeds of these
>> D.brevifolia, do you? Do you have any location data for them? I'm not sure
>> if anyone has sent N.American D.brevifolia + D.capillaris seeds to my
>> friend Fabio in Brazil yet and we would really like to compare them with
>> the Brazilian counterparts.
>I'm fairly sure Tom Hayes has sent D.cap but I don't know if he had
>the D.brev flowering too...

I already sent Fabio both species with location data.
They should be plants now awaiting your return!
