Re: In search for Triphyophyllum
Thu, 17 Oct 1996 18:19:07

Dear Rand,

> Could you please give me a brief description of this plant, or direct me to
> a web site that has information on _Triphyophyllum_?

Sorry, I have forgotten to mention that _T.p._ belongs to the huge (3
spp. known) and famous (approx. 5 papers with essential information
were published since the first species was found as early as 1888)
family Dioncophyllaceae.

For further info (& important lit.): Watson & Dallwitz

Error: "The traps (...) recalling those of Droseraceae and
Ancistrocladaceae". Ancistrocladaceae (non-carnivorous) do not have
any traps.

Additional info: chromosome counts of 2n=36 *and* 24 have been
published for _T.p._. The family contains (systematically very
important!) naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids and (essential!) plumbagin.

Kind Regards