
Aaron Hicks (
Tue, 24 Sep 1996 16:42:27 -0600 (MDT)

Greetings! I'm back, after a long hiatus (about a year). Still
in New Mexico,
a state with a dearth of CPs, although it DOES have a lot of cacti.
Personally, I prefer CPs, as they don't tend to be as liable to
perforate you.
In recent news, I have gotten a Nepenthes alata to GROW in 5-7%
humidity. It's growing pretty well in the bottom of a 1-liter soda
bottle, in pure sphagnum. The bottle has been perforated to allow for
water to enter, as it sits in about 1 cm of distilled water. No signs
of any problems yet.
All the other CPs I grow must be kept under cover in order to
keep the humidity up; they all get distilled water, as the local tap
sludge would kill them if it even looked at them wrong. :-/

I could use a bit of help out there; does anyone have experience
with inducing dormancy in Sarracenias that have been germinated and raised
under fluorescent lights? I may be getting started on this a bit late, but
I have some seedlings, from fresh seed this spring, that started under
lights, and now I'm a bit clueless as to how to get them to go dormant
without shocking the bajeezus out of them. Advice, comments, suggestions,
etc to, or post here if you wish. :-)

Socorro, NM