Re: musings

Brett Lymn (
Tue, 16 Jul 1996 13:25:03 +0930 (CST)

According to charles:
>2. just flashed on this....but wouldnt the water from a self defrosting
>refrigerator be just about perfect for cp's esp in a would be
>like your own personal acid rain.

One thing you have to be careful of is .... ahem .... contaminants.
Things like all those twinky crumbs, blood from that leaky package of
liver and various other bits of detritus that seem to, at least in
_our_ freezer, accumulate between defrostings.

>3. i wonder if a drop of lemon juice in tap water would acidify it
>enough for the plants

Generally, that lack of acid in the tap water is not the problem. If
you pot your plants in the right (i.e. acidic) peat then extra acid in
the tap water will not do much for you. The thing in tap water that
tends to make CP unwell is the dissolved solids, stuff like salts of
various sorts. These accumulate in the soil due to the method of
watering and can build up to levels that are harmful to the plants.
Adding lemon juice to water probably would not do much, if you are
lucky some dissolved salts would be precipitated out in insoluble
forms but I would not expect great success. Of course, if the total
dissolved solids in your water is not high to start with you may be
OK. Here in South Aust only a few days of watering with tap water
leads to a lovely white crust on the top of the soil and, yes, it
tastes like salt....

-- Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, AWA Defence Industries
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