Re: propogating Binata / seed harvesting

Eric Kamakea (
Thu, 27 Jun 1996 18:50:48 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings to all. I'm looking for advice.

I've placed some Binata cuttings in soil that have had new sprouts for about
three weeks now. These new sprouts, although growing upward remain
thin. A few have sarted to branch but never really do. I've taken them
out of their plastic bag and away from their 13 hour grow light cycle and
given them more direct sunshine with hopes they would continue to
branch. They haven't. How long before they should? I propogated the
cutting in middle May. Also some leaves curled up and out of the soil.
How will the new shoots on the tip that are now airborne, ever sprout roots?
Is there something that I am doing wrong or have not done?

Regarding seeds; How do you know when to harvest them? I have never
really read any specific instructions about when to sever the remaining
flower. I have Leucophylla that have dropped their stamens already. I also
have various Drosera and Pinguicula with old flowers. Some have opened
ovaries with dark little (seeds?) inside or on the exterior surfaces of
the opening. I imagine that I'm supposed to harvest that ball that
has appeared on top of the remaining sepals before it busts open but how
do I know when the right time is?

Seems like all the literature I've read talks about soils, lighting,
habitat, propogation etc., but little mention of seed harvesting procedure.

Thanks for reading my article. Reagrds, Eric Kamakea