Re: Grey Fungas

Chris Teichreb (teichrch@Meena.CC.URegina.CA)
Tue, 25 Jun 1996 16:52:51 -0600 (CST)

Hi Jon,

Grey 'mould' or 'fungus' looks grey and if you look very closely,
you can see the mycelium or 'hairs'. So it looks stringy and grey. As
well, I've found it growing onto soil only after attacking the seeds.
Actually, I've only ever found it growing on non-germinated Sarracenia
seeds and then onto the soil. I don't know why as these seeds are
exposed to the same humidity as all my other seeds.

Chris Teichreb
Department of Biology
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA


On Tue, 25 Jun 1996, J.R. Crumm wrote:

> Can someone tell me what grey fungas looks like besides obviously being
> grey. Does it grow on the plant or on the soil? Thanks.
> Jon