Re: Nepenthes flowering, crossing, grafting, etc.

Oliver T Massey CFS (
Tue, 25 Jun 1996 09:52:29 -0400 (EDT)

> Here's a little secret for you all: It takes quite a few growth points
> and they need to be in the adult stage for this but it works very well.
> Take cuttings with about four or more leaves to them from two opposite
> sexed plants. At least 75% of these will flower within three to five
> months of being cut. Works like a clock (must be something hormonal)!
> You would have good chances by taking two cuttings from each plant and
> almost be guaranteed success with three from each. I would be producing
> seed this way if I had the room to grow good sized adult pairs from
> which to take these cuttings. BTW, this can also be used to sex your
> plants.
> Dave Evans

Dave: This sounds promising, never heard anything like this. Are you saying
that about 75% of the _cuttings_ are likley to flower shortly after being
potted-up? And would this be more or less everyfour leaf cutting or only the
apical meristem (first) cutting?

Appreciate the info, I think I will try it.

Tom in Fl.