re: possession of Sarracenia in N.Carolina

Chris Teichreb (teichrch@Meena.CC.URegina.CA)
Tue, 11 Jun 1996 10:49:45 -0600 (CST)

Hi Nick,

I tried to send this message to you but it was rejected. Sorry
to others for posting this here.

You shouldn't have a problem with taking your baby S.oreophila
into N.Carolina. Before hand, you should write to them and find out how
to obtain permits for possessing these plants in N.Carolina. I imagine
it will be something like a statement of ownership which states that
these were greenhouse raised, not wild collected. Emphasize that the
plants were raised from seed and that you got them in a trade and thus,
have no receipt.

More info can be found at

Hope that helps.
