Re:Black spot

Rand Nicholson (
Tue, 4 Jun 1996 07:53:46 -0300

>>Take a
>> gallon of rain water and put one tablespoon of Ivory Liquid and two
>> tablespoons of Wesson cooking oilin the bottle also. The soap is a
>> insetacide and the oil is a fungicide.
>> Randy Palmer
>This is actually illegal in the UK!!
>I think I've heard of similar mixtures before, but the liquid soap is often
>suggested over here as a "green" insecticide. Typically in the form of
>Washing-Up Liquid (Fairy and the such).
>A recent law in the UK says that you cannot use a chemical for a use not listed
>on the bottle,etc. Obviously, this can be a useful thing - stopping people
>doing some quite harmful things, but it does mean that you cannot use
>Fairy Liquid for anything except washing dishes!!!
>I believe the phrase "The Law is an Ass" is relevant
>Richard Marsden

Perhaps you could get around this by taking a teeny brush and lathering up
a scruffy CP. Then give it a quick rinse with a water pic to demonstrate
that you are only using the soap for sanitary purposes and any bug killing
is incidental. This should satisfy the Soap Cops next time a squad raids
your garden for illegal Fairy applications. Just make sure that you have
labels and invoices for the sacks of ammonia nitrate stacked next to the
kerosene drums, so that they won't make a mess in their haste to root out
contraband detergent.

Rand Nicholson