Re: question regarding Cephalotus

Rick Walker (
Fri, 26 Apr 1996 23:07:08 -0700

> > I was browsing through the 1996 CP growlist and was suprised to
> > see listings for:
> >
> > Cephalotus hispidula
> > Cephalotus follicularis
> > Cephalotus repens
> I have never seen the names C.hispidula (IMHO wrong because _Cephalotus_
> should be male => "C.hispidulus") and C.repens. A growlist is not
> necessarily a publication but does the stuff exist in any distributed form?
> Where did it appear? When did you receive it? If the growlist is citable in
> any form I would like to include the above mentioned monsters as nomina
> nuda in my list.

Whoops! This is simply a misprint.

It came from Dave Purk's growlist:

GENUS Nepenthes
x Trichocarpa []
x Dominni "intermedia" []
gracilis []
mirabilis []
ventricosa []
vieillardii []

GENUS Cephalotus
follicularia []

hispidula []
repens 'Auyan Tepui' []

Notice the missing GENUS keyword on the Genlisea entry.

When my growlist-compiler program gobbles this up, it lumped the
"hispidula" and "repens" entries into the Cephalotus genus.

It's fixed now. No cause for alarm... ;-).

Best regards,

Rick Walker 

BTW: the growlist is available on the listserv archives. (both by email and on the WEB) It is called cp.growlist and is a compilation of lists from 25 growers. The file includes directions for how to submit your own listing for inclusion in the database.