More Nepenthes books...

Perry Malouf (
Wed, 10 Apr 1996 08:39:07 -0400 (EDT)

There has been some discussion about the book
Pitcher-Plants of Borneo by Anthea Phillips and
Anthony Lamb.

I have received confirmation from the publisher that
there is at least one more book in the offing, for
this series. The manuscript for this new book
has just been completed, and the book itself
is slated for publication late this year. It
is Nepenthes of Borneo, by Dr. Charles Clarke.

To quote the publisher, "This will be a book
of exceptional quality dripping with absolutely
superb photographs depicting many species growing
in its (sic) natural environs. Many hitherto
undescribed species are also illustrated for
the first time."

Even if you consider that the publisher has
definite profit motives in writing that
propaganda, the book still seems appealing (to
me, at least).

I am acquainted with some of the Kinabalu Park
staff who accompanied Dr. Clarke's expeditions
to places around the Park. I understand that
they found some nice plants to photograph,
including the beautiful hybrid N. rajah x N. burbidgeae.

Perry Malouf