Re: Plant mapping

Andreas Wistuba (A.Wistuba@DKFZ-Heidelberg.DE)
Thu, 7 Mar 1996 16:08:38 GMT+1

> Hobbyist would like to see the plants in their native habitat? That is
> understandable. I am in favor of giving hobbyists a map of locations
> which are being managed FOR visitation, ie. well protected park sites
> with developed and accessable trails. I don't see "why" hobbyists need
> a map of ALL known localities, especially if a map of protected accessable
> sites is offered.

I think the view that hobbyists are a bunch of poorly educated people
who are only interested in going in the field hoping to find a new
site they can destroy in no time is tiring and frustrating. Who ever declared
that nature is the property of professional batanists or zoologists?
Isn't nature everybodies property?
Does the fact that people are paid to do the work enhance the
quality of their work?
In the past many of these stupid hobbyists have discovered
interesting things, new species,...., without having had the legitimation
of being paid for their work.
Does this impact the quality of their work?
I think it's simply arrogant to insult all the non-professional
workers (non-professional meant in the sense of non paid!!!!) by
telling they are not worth of getting informations available to their
collegues who get paid for their work.

Andreas Wistuba; Mudauer Ring 227; 68259 Mannheim; Germany
Phone: +49-621-705471 / +49-621-7152027
Fax: +49-621-7152028