Re: 'smuggling'

Wayne Forrester (forrestr@mendel.Berkeley.EDU)
Mon, 4 Mar 1996 07:51:38 -0800 (PST)

I think many of you are missing the point. Smuggling regardless of
whether the plants were greenhouse grown or removed from the wild is
illegal. You may feel that the laws are poorly designed, and they may
well be, but that doesn't change the fact that this person was smuggling
a large number of plants. Without proper documentation, there is no way
of determining where the plants came from. I realize that it is unlikely
that someone would dig up thousands of seedlings in the wild, but without
documentation how does one know where they came from? I was very
interested in the original post, and would suggest that if others come
across similar stories, they should feel free to post them as well. If
the laws are flawed, try to work to correct them. They may be excessive
and often counter-productive and do nothing to address some of the
biggest concerns such as habitat destruction but they are a first, albeit
imperfect step, towards protecting endangered species. I would like to
thank Sean, or whoever the original poster was, for sharing the story
with the rest of us. So now you can flame away at me if you choose.
Wayne Forrester

On Sat, 2 Mar 1996 wrote:

> Dear Sean:
> 1) I am afraid you are missing the point.
> 2) I do not want you to forward any messages.
> Regards
> Guido