Re: Whitefly (?) on D. capensis
Mon, 5 Feb 1996 17:52:41 -0500

In CP Digest 612, Richard Marsden writes:

>The D. capensis have half died back (some
>have, some haven't). But, they've got a serious white fly >infestation. I
believe they're white flies (I'm not a >horticulturist or anything). What is
the best solution?

I've had plenty of pests on my outdoor-growing drosera, though never whitefly
(those tiny white flies (hence the name) tend to get stuck in the tentacles
rather than congregate on stems, new growth, etc.) HOWEVER, I have had
several bouts of mealybug (local name?) on my drosera, particularly D binata
and D. filiformis Tracyi. (these are wingless, look like small balls of
cotton fluff). Whiteflies love the color yellow, and readily fly up when
shaken to yellow posterboard coated in petroleum jelly. Mealybugs can usually
be picked off with fingers (yech) or a toothpick, etc.

Jay Lechtman