Re: P. Weser

Jan Schlauer (
Thu, 4 Jan 1996 13:28:27 +0100

Dear Gordon,

>There's been some talk of the hybrid P. Weser on the
>list recently. Does anyone happen to know what its
>parents are ? This is one of the most common hybrids
>I've seen available in Barcelona (imported from Holland),
>but I can't seem to find out what it is - it's not even
>in the otherwise invincible CP database.

The CPDB may not be invincible but it definitely includes
what you are looking for:

N: [Pinguicula * ' Weser ' {Hort.Slack}]
P: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How To Grow Them:113 (1986)
S: =[[Pinguicula moranensis {H.B.K.}] * [Pinguicula ehlersiae {Speta &
Fuchs}]] B: WEINER

Kind regards