What do I do with D. Capensis seeds

Dhalsim/Raiden (bonito@thecity.sfsu.edu)
Fri, 22 Sep 1995 12:55:25 -0700 (PDT)

I am about to be the father of some D. Capensis seedlings soon. From
what I've read, it seems like I will be getting MANY seeds ( I don't know
if people were exaggerating just a little...) , but if that happens,
how do I keep some until I am ready to plant them? SHould I pop
them into the refridgerator and spray them with some fungicide or
just leave them in a cool dry place?

For those that I plant, Why can't I bury the seeds under a millimeter of
soil like other seeds? I've read that all I should do is sprinkle the
seeds on top of the soil and that's it!!

Thanks in advance for any responses