RE: evolution of CP

Steven Klitzing (
Wed, 7 Jun 1995 13:12:52 -0700

>Great mammoths, ground sloths, and sabertooth cats once thundered
>across the plains of primordial North America. Then they mysteriously
>disappered. Was this caused by climate change? By an asteroid impact?
>By hunting by humans who arrived from Asia over the land bridge? No.
>They were consumed and extirpated by the Pleistocene Drosera, capable of
>snaring and strangling a woolly mammoth in its prehensile tentacles!
>(The new human arrivals then killed these Drosera by overwatering and
>pouring Superthrive on the traps).

In southeast asia, the situation was even worse! The survivors of
Atlantis placed a large humidity tent over the region. Giant apes fell into
massive Nepenthes traps, and were drowned in the swimming pool sized
bottoms of the traps. This explains the disappearance of Gigantopithicus
from the region. Local inhabitants removed and sold the humidity tent
that covered much of southeast asia, denying the gigantic Nepenthes
the appropriate environment to produce large traps.

In Australia, mammalian forms were consumed by
ravenous creeping Cephalotus. Only the marsupials, capable of hopping
over the plants or climbing trees, escaped destruction. Aborigines,
terrified by the CP menace, started massive forest fires to destroy the
Cephalotus habitat. Within a few years, most of Australia became a
desert and the remaining Cephalotus, denied large prey, shrank and
shifted to waiting for insects.
