Re: Reddish D. gigantea

John Taylor (
Thu, 23 Feb 1995 09:29:52 +1100

>> (John Taylor writes:)
>> a very attractive plant. I was going to buy some seed, but the lure of
>> a reddish D.gigantea won me over... ;-)
>Are you growing a reddish D. gigantea? Did you bring it up from seed?
>If so, what conditions did you use to germinate it? How long did it
>take? Could you describe the plant and tell us something about your
>success in growing it? I

Sorry Glenn, but I only have *seed* at the moment and I'm waiting until winter
before planting it. I will certainly post reports of any success (hopefully!)
I have with this plant in a few-several months time... I will experiment a
bit with the seed - I definitely want to give smoke treatment a try - and
see what happens.

| John Taylor [Catweasel] | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology |
| | Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA |