
Kneen, John X2820 (
Wed, 01 Feb 95 11:18:00 PST


I'm new to the group and thought I'd introduce myself. My name is
John Kneen & I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am in the
aeronautics industry where I function as a software engineer-cum-
physicist. I have kept CP's for about two years and currently have
success with the following:

D. binata, D. capensis, D. spatulata, D. burmannii
U. sandersonii
S. flava, S. leucophylla, S. minor, S. purpurea
N. alata, N. ventricosa, N. x wrigleyana, N. x rokko
good 'ol Dionaea muscipula

Joburg's climate is not particularly damp, yet my Nepenthes seem to
behave themselves - although not with a large profussion of pitchers.
I am, however, struggling with an attack of Mealy bugs, esp. on
my Sarracenia - where the bugs seem to be particularly interested
in the bases of the plants. I have found an aerosol designed for
orchids and ferns that does the job, but the bugs just come back.
What other approaches can I use? What about placing other plants
nearby that may repel Mealy bugs (eg Marigolds)? Are systemic
insecticides safe for CPs?

Any help would be appreciated.