Re U. menziesii
Fri, 28 Oct 1994 11:10:51 +0930


>It is too hot in my greenhouse to grow this plant, so I store it

How hot are we talking?

>It is only 3yrs old from seed and is fully acclimated to this
>situation (it started growth two weeks ago in the fridge so I
>put it in the greenhouse). It is quite happy with life.

Mine are the same age. Do you have any adult pitchers yet?

>Does anyone here have luck with U. menziesii? I'm good with
>tropical Utrics and Genlisea, as well as Tuberous Drosera. How
>the heck do I grow U.menziesii? I am trying to treat it as a
>tuberous Drosera but have lost a pot already. In the past
>treating it as a tropical has been equally pathetic.

While I don't grow them yet (next season for sure!) but most
cper's I know treat them like tuberous Drosera. Start watering
them at the same time and in summer let them dry right out. The
naturally grow in the same conditions and the ground becomes
totally dry. However, keep your pot in the shade i.e. under a
bench and they should be fine. The tubers that are formed in
summer are about the size of a bloated rice grain and each single
plant has a number of tubers associated with it. Anyone know how
these things multiply?
