Its not just a good idea....

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Tue, 19 Jul 94 14:18:03 MST

Warning! Warning! Warning Will Robinson!

I recently got a note in the mail from a well respected Sarracenia grower
in Virginia. He notes:

``Some words of advice I would like to give you. We currently may be facing
a battle with Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) concerning some of the
Federally Endangered pitcher plant species we obtained prior to the act
from legitimate growers. FWS, in a recent letter, ruled that divisions from
this material are offspring and thereby require a permit for possession!!!
I will take this all the way to the courts if I have to but the point is
be careful what you are putting in print. You recently mentioned in CPN
putting a list together with who grows what. You might want to get permission
from these people before you print their name as potentially they might have
some unwelcome visitors. Please do not take this as criticism of your
outstanding efforts, just words of caution.''

The list the author mentioned is the growlist maintained by Rick Walker, the
mighty cp listkeeper.

I'll keep up to date on this business, and will post any news.
