Re: Drosera rotundifolia

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Mon, 28 Mar 1994 15:29:52 +0800

>>I just got a Drosera rotundifolia today and would like to know what it's
>>proper care is. It was mixed in with some VTF's at a local plant store and
>>the care sheet seems a bit sparse on info.

D. rotundifolia grows in areas that have a well defined winter, so it
depends on a winter dormancy period to do well over successive seasons.
The dormany will be brought on by the shorter days and cooler temps of
winter: the leaves will die, and new leaves will not unroll, but will
rather remain in a tight winter bud intended to protect the meristem
from cold temps. Cut back on the water until the soil is nearly dry,
and don't do anything to the plant until you see it growing in the
spring. During the growing season just leave it alone. It should
flower and set seed easily, although seed may require stratification
to germinate (?). You can also propagate this plant from leaf cuttings.
