Re Cephalotus

Terry Bertozzi - 229112 (
Mon, 21 Mar 1994 08:41:04 +0930 (CST)


I have always found Cephalotus easy to grow. Its growth habit will
depend on how much light it receives. In low light the plant will
produce alot of green leaves while in bright light less are formed.
Also bright light will cause the pitchers to go red and in very bright
light they appear almost black. In nature the plant grows among grass
so it is semi-shaded.

I grow Cephalotus in 50:50 peat /sand and currently have my plants in
large potsThis is because they produce underground stolons which become
new plants furtheraway from the parent. In short, bigger pots means
bigger plants. Plus a whole pot full looks better than a single plant
on its lonesome.

Once the new plants have established roots they may be divided but wait
until spring. When dividing the contents of the pitcher will be
spilled. Replace some water in each piticher with a syringe after
potting. This will stop the pitchers from shrivelling up. Even if they
do, don't worry your plants should be fine.

Oh, to get the humidity right just look at the pitchers. If the lid is
touching the pitcher's peristome, then there is not enough humidity.


Cheers Terry