Re: Slow Day at the Greenhouse.

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Mon, 22 Nov 93 17:54:52 MST


>> I figure (Mexican _Pinguiculae_)'re *always* wrong. And IDing this group is

>It's not that bad if you have flowers (and a hand lens, of course).

With what key? Casper?

>BTW: Do *you* accept _U.beaugleholei_ (as no. 216), while P.T. doesn't?

As you probably inferred, I accept _U.stygia_ as no. 215. I'm still thinking
about _U.beaugleholei_. I tend to lean away from it because PT saw the
putative plant and grouped it with _U.dichotoma_. But on the other hand,
I haven't seen the plants in the wild so really don't know how
uniform or distinct the populations are. I think ultimately I don't buy

>Yes, and quite probably you do have the real species. The edges of the
>(fleshy) leaves are not upturning as much as in other species, are they?

No they aren't. They're pretty flat at the edges.

>A quick (?) question - is the long "filament/spike" on the apex/point of the
>Sarracenia flava pitcher lid a sure-thing IDing feature? I've noticed that

Huh. I've never really thought about it. It is most developed in _S.flava_,
that's for sure.

>Subject: Slow Day at the Greenhouse.

>no expert at these things, but the evidence certainly seems to
>indicate that one "Michael Chamberland" is the author....

Funny, I seem to recall that Michael has a copy of this story that
he showed me when he was originally working on it. But by now he's
really fleshed it out, I gather. Last he mentioned it, it was just
after he visited my greenhouse and was joking about how he was going
to write me into his story or something like that. So, Michael, what's
the scoop on this story? Did you write me into it, you fiend?

>Does Sarracenia rubra varieties have any attraction for fire ants? I've

You know, I have heard that _S.rubra_ and _S.minor_ are supposedly particulary
good at getting ants. I don't think I believe this, though. At least in
my greenhouse (a very artificial environment to be sure) some pitchers
of various species fill up with ants, but which ones do is usually a
function of luck---which ones happen to be in an area the ants are
foraging in. One pitcher of _S.flavaXpurpurea_ will get loaded with
ants, the one next to it will be almost empty.