(no subject)

Mon, 15 Nov 1993 18:47:38 -0700 (MST)

On Mon, 15 Nov 93 11:14:28 -0800 Robert Allen said:
> I use perlite w/ peat for all North American CP (sometimes with
> a top dressing of peat or live spaghnum to make it look nice.
> I also use perlite w/ sand and peat for drosophyllum. I use vermic.
> & perlite for mexican pings. Peat/sand for tuberous drosera, and
> for pygmies. Live spaghnum for a few very special plants like
> Heliamphora. Peat/perlite/fine-orchid-bark for Nepenthes.
> R.

Uh. I just use some slop from the "ditch bucket" where I pitch all my
plants that've croaked.
