Re: I've been lookin'

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Wed, 10 Nov 93 09:19:12 MST

>>That disease doesn't happen to involve a small fish, does it? A very
>>nasty situation,that.

>Are you refering to the wee fish discovered in South America by that poor
>English explorer who took a leek in a brook and this wee monster nipped up the
>stream of his urine and lodged itself where no normal man would want it to
>lodge :-( ?


Uh, sounds similar. While your anecdote sounds a little unlikely,
the fish I was talking about has the unpleasant habit of looking for
places to hide or bed down or lay eggs. While this alone is not unpleasent,
the fact that it has such a sleek profile (wee, as you so extremely aptly
put it), allows it to seek out and hide in places that, as you described,
immediately attract the attention of the owner. And the sharp dorsal spines
the piscine adventurer erects when alarmed by the equally alarmed orifice-
owner, is the most unpleasant part of the entire transaction. Apparently
people have died from pain induced shock.

I have read enough accounts of this matter from reliable sources that
I think it's not in the realm of urban legend, although its exploits with
men and women may be exaggerated. In some skit, Monty Python made a passing
reference to the "naughty minnow" I have always interpreted to be about
this Brazilian dainty.

Pheew. Back to Superthrive and peduncle morphology of _Lentibulariaceae_.